Word from our CEO
In my career, I have always been working for international companies mainly headquartered in the UK. Only a couple of years after I joined the recruitment industry, I realized that the US and UK recruitment markets are much more developed than the German or Swiss one. I have seenbest practices and trends swapping over from the US and UK to Germany with a delay of 3 to 6 years.
Recruitment is passion and for me human capital investmenting means working with people as human beings first.
(Andre T. Sola | CEO HUCAI AG)
There are two really interesting trends, which I observed during my countless meetings in London:
1.) The concept of a Non-Executive-Director: This is a proven setup of advisory in the recruitment industry in the UK, but hardly applied in Germany & Switzerland. It can help the operational Managing Director on several aspects relating to people, finance, and processes as well as to overcome obstacles and reach business goals quicker.
2.) The M&A market in the UK is much more advanced: If you are in London and speak to any manager, they are well educated about multipliers, VC-money investment, trade buyers and corporate finance houses. This is completely different to Germany and Switzerland: I have engaged with a lot of business owners who know very little or nothing about the M&A market – although this knowledge is crucial to leverage business opportunities.
The combination of these two observations, the purpose to create a better version of an existing service, coupled with my background and exposure this topic resulted in a successful business venture. We help business owners to improve their market landing, expanding locally and globally and ultimately exiting their company.